The Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee

The Canadian Dairy Commission chairs and supports the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee (CMSMC) and its secretariat. The Committee serves as the key national body for policy development and discussions respecting the dairy production and processing sectors.

The Committee meets four times yearly to examine the main production, economic and marketing factors affecting the dairy industry, including:

Requests completed under the Access to Information Act

This webpage provides a list of access to information requests submitted to the Canadian Dairy Commission since 2015.

To obtain a copy of the files disclosed in response to these requests, please email and submit an unofficial access to information request. Be sure to include your last and first name as well as your full mailing address and the number of files requested.

Disclosure of position reclassification from January to December 2017

Position reclassification from January to December 2017

PE – Human resources

Politique sur l'interprétation de la réglementation


Le présent document définit les engagements, les pratiques et les outils dont se sert la Commission canadienne du lait pour fournir aux Canadiens et aux entreprises des renseignements et de l’orientation au sujet des obligations réglementaires qui doivent être respectées. Il énonce également les conditions régissant les réponses écrites aux questions posées.

Contexte de l’organisation

La Commission est responsable des instruments réglementaires aux termes de la Loi sur la Commission canadienne du lait.
Caption text
Record : 1
Position number 120158
Position title Manager, Human Resources
Prior position classification PE 06
Reclassified position classification PE 05
Job number N/A