2017 National milk production target for Canada

Below is the national milk production target (total quota) for 2017. <

Annual public meetings

The Canadian Dairy Commission holds a public meeting every year. At this meeting, members of senior management provide an overview of the Commission’s achievements during the previous 12 months.

The annual public meeting also provides an opportunity for the public to learn more about the Commission’s activities and ask questions of the senior management team.

The Commission publishes the slides projected at the annual public meeting, along with the opening remarks, to share this information with those who were unable to attend the meeting.

Monthly total quota in 2017
Month/Year kg BF % Change from same month 1 year ago
December 2017 32,462,282 4.67
November 2017 30,845,513 5.52
October 2017 31,359,651 3.87
September 2017 30,186,620 4.70
August 2017 31,316,787 6.86