Governing Board
The Governing Board assists the Canadian Dairy Commission in its role of leader, which involves guiding and identifying best practices in the Canadian dairy industry. It is comprised of the Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer, and the Commissioner. The Governing Board performs the following important tasks:
- reviewing the financial statements of the Commission on a quarterly basis;
- establishing and approving the Commission's strategic direction, corporate plan and budgets with input from senior management;
- approving the financial statements audited by the Auditor General of Canada and the annual report;
- ensuring proper accountability through internal audits and evaluations of the Commission's systems, practices and programs;
- reporting on the Commission's activities and services to the industry as they relate to its legislated mandate and presenting related financial statements to the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee at least four times a year;
- receiving and addressing the annual audit report of the financial statements and the special examination report from the Auditor General (every ten years).
- Ensure the implementation of the directives as per the mandate letter.
Board Members
Find out more about the CDC's Chief Executive Officer, Benoit Basillais.
Find out more about the CDC's Chair, Jennifer Hayes
Find out more about the CDC's Commissioner, Shikha Jain.
Executive Office
The Executive Office consists of the Corporate Secretary, the Executive Assistant and members of the Board, which includes the Chief Executive Officer, the Chairperson and the Commissioner. The Executive Office provides a broad range of secretariat services to the Board and manages the agenda of the Chief Executive Officer. The Corporate Secretary provides corporate secretariat, governance and advisory services to the Board and the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee.
Audit and Evaluation
Audit and Evaluation assists the Canadian Dairy Commission in its role of auditor and audits the Canadian Dairy Commission's systems, programs and practices. Employees of Audit and Evaluation also perform external audits of :
- companies participating in the Special Milk Class Permit Program and the Restaurants Program (Class 3(d));
- food manufacturers, on behalf of Global Affairs Canada;
- milk plants, on behalf of provincial marketing boards.
Corporate Services
Corporate Services consists of three teams: Communications and Strategic Planning, Human Resources, and Information Technology. Corporate Services supports the Commission as a whole. The Corporate Services team helps the Commission respond and serve the needs of the industry as well.
Programs and Commercial Operations
Programs and Commercial Operations assists the Canadian Dairy Commission in its role of administering programs on behalf of the industry, including the purchase, storage, and sale of dairy products. Programs and Commercial Operations also administers programs for the dairy industry, develops new partnerships within the industry and supports the development of new products.
Finance and Administration
Finance and Administration performs numerous services, including:
- overseeing the day-to-day administration of the Agreements on Pooling of Milk Revenues;
- providing various financial services (cash flow, claims, contract review, pay list updates);
- providing administrative services to the Canadian Dairy Commission.
Policy and Economics
Policy and Economics assists the Canadian Dairy Commission in its roles of administrator, which involves managing the pooling of revenues and markets, and market analysis, which involves calculating the national milk production target and establishing the support prices for butter. Policy and Economics also coordinates the activities of the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee, performs analysis on issues raised by this committee, and offers advice and recommendations.