Fact sheets

This section provides you with everything you have always wanted to know about the Canadian Dairy Commission and the Canadian dairy industry.

Click on the tabs below for facts and statistics about the CDC and the dairy industry.  You can also download handy fact sheets about each topic.


Dairy Marketing Program

The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) is committed to promoting growth and innovation in the manufacture and use of dairy products and components.

Our Dairy Marketing Program provides support to both dairy product manufacturers and food processors. It facilitates access to the technical support and expertise required to develop new and innovative dairy and finished food products to bring them to market.

2018 National milk production target for Canada

In October 2018, the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee (CMSMC) adopted a revised method of calculating Total Requirements and the national milk production target (Total Quota).  The previous Total Quota model was designed in a period of stable 1-2% growth and was based on a 12-month rolling Total Requirements figure. In recent years, the increased pace of growth in the Canadian dairy industry meant that there was a lag between changes in demand being registered in the quota calculation.

Requests submitted under the Access to Information Act December 2016

Completed Access to Information Requests, December 2016
Request number Summary of request Action Taken No. of pages disclosed
A2-2016-00002 All correspondence and all reports for which briefing notes prepared for ministers and MPs in connection with the proposal by the Chinese company Feihe International Inc.

2017 National milk production target for Canada

Below is the national milk production target (total quota) for 2017. <
Monthly total quota in 2017
Month/Year kg BF % Change from same month 1 year ago
December 2017 32,462,282 4.67
November 2017 30,845,513 5.52
October 2017 31,359,651 3.87
September 2017 30,186,620 4.70
August 2017 31,316,787 6.86