The CDC Undertakes a Review of the Price of Milk at the Farm

Media Advisory
June 2, 2022

Ottawa, ON – On May 27, 2022, the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) received a request from the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) for a mid-year increase to the farmgate price of milk due to the current inflationary environment. According to the request, this increase would come into effect on September 1, 2022, and would be deducted from any price increase that may result from the routine price review in the fall of 2022.

Mandate letter for the Canadian Dairy Commission

Quote: 271121

Ms. Jennifer Hayes
Canadian Dairy Commission
960 Carling Avenue, 1st Floor
Ottawa Ontario K1A 0Z2

Dear Ms. Hayes:

From day one, the Government has recognized the importance of a vibrant and sustainable agriculture and agri-food sector to Canada’s economy and food security. The Government also recognizes the dairy supply management system as a social contract that contributes significantly to the vitality of many rural communities and family farms across the country.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Price of Milk

  • Why is the price of milk at the farmgate regulated?

    Regulating the price of milk is one of the elements of the supply management system for dairy. However, only the price of milk that farmers get is regulated. With the exception of fluid milk in some provinces, the retail price of dairy products is not regulated in Canada. 
    After the milk leaves the farm, it enters the market where supply, demand and other factors influence the price. 

Farm gate milk prices to be increased

OTTAWA, June 21, 2022

Farm gate milk prices to be increased

On May 27, 2022, Dairy Farmers of Canada asked the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) to review the price that farmers get for their milk due to the current inflation.

An important part of the CDC’s mandate is to provide efficient dairy farmers with the opportunity to obtain a fair return for their labour and investment. The CDC therefore agreed to review the request to determine if a price increase was warranted before next year.

Research and Innovation in Canada's Dairy Industry

The Canadian dairy sector promotes research and development. It has substantial research facilities (governments, universities and private organizations) that contribute to maintaining and improving long-term competitiveness in the sector.

For more information on research in the dairy sector, please consult the following pages: