L'accès à l'information Octobre 2017

Accès aux demandes d’information complétées, octobre 2018
No demande Sommaire de la demande Dispositions prises Nombre de pages divulguées
A2-2018-00001 Veuillez fournir des détails quant aux informations demandées (c.-à-d., sujet, dates, typologie) Contingent tarifaire (TRQ) 2014-2015 allocation totale: 3, 274, 000 kg TRQ 2015-2016 allocation totale: 3, 274, 000 kg TRQ 2016-2017 allocation totale: 3, 274, 000 kg TRQ 2017-2018 allocation totale: 3, 274, 000 kg TRQ 2018-201


Jennifer Hayes was appointed as Chairperson of the Canadian Dairy Commission for a four-year-term, effective December 23, 2021.

Ms. Hayes was first appointed to the CDC in January 2017, in the role of Commissioner and held the position for four years.

Disclosure of position reclassification from January to December 2017

Position reclassification from January to December 2017

PE – Human resources

Requests completed under the Access to Information Act

This webpage provides a list of access to information requests submitted to the Canadian Dairy Commission since 2015.

To obtain a copy of the files disclosed in response to these requests, please email cdc-ccl@cdc-ccl.gc.ca and submit an unofficial access to information request. Be sure to include your last and first name as well as your full mailing address and the number of files requested.

Regulatory Interpretation Policy


This document defines the commitments, practices and tools used by the Canadian Dairy Commission to provide Canadians and businesses with information and guidance on regulatory obligations that must be met. It also sets out the conditions governing written responses to questions asked.

Organizational context

The Commission is responsible for regulatory instruments under the Canadian Dairy Commission Act.

Annual public meetings

The Canadian Dairy Commission holds a public meeting every year. At this meeting, members of senior management provide an overview of the Commission’s achievements during the previous 12 months.

The annual public meeting also provides an opportunity for the public to learn more about the Commission’s activities and ask questions of the senior management team.

The Commission publishes the slides projected at the annual public meeting, along with the opening remarks, to share this information with those who were unable to attend the meeting.

Caption text
Record : 1
Position number 120158
Position title Manager, Human Resources
Prior position classification PE 06
Reclassified position classification PE 05
Job number N/A