
Looking for dairy ingredient suppliers? Need information on dairy ingredients? Have questions regarding the laws and regulations that govern the dairy industry? The Resources section can direct you to all of that information.

Resources and information

Dairy Organizations and Associations

Descriptions and links to various dairy organizations and associations across Canada.

Domestic Seasonality Programs

These programs allow the Canadian Dairy Commission to work with the private sector to balance the seasonal demand and supply of products for the domestic market.

When milk production exceeds requirements for the Canadian market, the Commission buys butter from processors at established support prices.

Support prices are also used as a guide by provincial authorities when they establish milk prices at the farm level.

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Dairy Ingredient Profiles

Milk, an intricate combination of hundreds of different substances, is the principal product of the dairy industry.  It is rich in nutrients and is considered one of nature's perfect foods.

Milk and milk products have been explored and analyzed more than most foods.  From food technology to human nutrition, the science of milk combines conventional practices with modern techniques.


  • Overview

    Butter is the smooth, fatty substance obtained from churning cream with fat content of at least 35 per cent. Simple agitation of this cream in machines known as churns ruptures the membranes of fat globules and these globules then group into granules of butter. Because only the milkfat is used, ten litres of whole milk are required to produce 500 g of butter. The majority of butter made in Canada is salted after churning, using sodium chloride during the creaming process.