Special Milk Class Permit Program Guide and Forms

Below are links to the Information Guide and Application Form a further processor needs to apply to the Special Milk Class Permit Program (SMCPP). In addition, there are forms for further processors who are existing permit holders.

Information Guide

The Information Guide for Further Processors provides details and information on the SMCPP such as how to obtain a permit and the reporting requirements regarding dairy ingredients purchases and sales. Please read the Guide carefully before completing the application form.

Information Guide for Further Processors (PDF 126 Kb)

Further Processors Application Instruction Form and Application Form

The application form can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel.

Further Processor Application Instruction Form (PDF 100 Kb
Application Form for Further Processors (Excel 44 Kb)

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Notice to new applicants using the Excel version of the Application for Further Processors:

1. Please ensure that the Company Information Form for Further Processors (PDF 43 Kb) is included with your application.

2. Please review Section C (PDF 48 Kb) of the application form regarding Accounting, Credit Check and Attestation which pertains to the requirement for the applicant to ensure that it has a proper accounting system in place to track and monitor the purchase and use of special class priced ingredients.

3. Please complete and include the relevant questionnaire with your company's application:

4. Please submit a copy of your company's letter of incorporation/registration to establish that you are a legal entity registered at the municipal, provincial or national level. application.

Forms for Permit Holders

Notice of Change to Recipe (PDF 47 Kb)
Application Form for New Finished Products (Excel 44 Kb)

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