Western Canada

Grants Available to
Dairy and Finished Food Product Manufacturers


Buy BC

Funded/Offered by: B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BCMAF)

Summary: To assist BC's agri-food sector, the MAFF created the market development program, Buy BC. This program - open to growers, processors, packagers, distributors and retailers of food and beverage - encourages consumers to buy food, fish, beverages and agricultural products grown, produced or packaged in BC.

Buy BC features a retail program (raising consumer awareness with Buy BC labelling on eligible products), a partnership program (encouraging industry to market their products creatively) and a sharing program (providing B.C. food to families who rely on food banks).

Eligibility requirements: Individuals, firms, associations, commodity groups, councils, institutes, commissions and marketing boards as well as other government ministries and agencies may apply. The licence is free. Participants must adhere to the guidelines, regulations, rules, standards and policies set out in the Program User's Guide.

For more specific information about this program, please visit www.bcac.bc.ca/buybc.

For more information:

Buy BC Program and Partnership Program

Donna Anaka
Manager, Promotions
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Tel: (604) 666-3921
E-mail: donna.anaka@gems8.gov.bc.ca

Use of the Buy BC logo and Sharing Program

Kim Kettyls
Manager, Market Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Tel: (250) 356-6925
E-mail: kim.kettyls@gems2.gov.bc.ca
Enquiry BC (toll-free): 1-800-663-7867

Food Safety - Processing (Processor)

Funded/Offered by : Government of Alberta - Agriculture and Rural Development

Summary: The Food Safety - Processing program is designed to allocate funds for processors to work towards implementing systems plans that result in demonstrated behaviour changes in food safety practices.


  • Assistance will be on a 70/30 cost shared basis (government / applicant) to a maximum of $25,000 for incremental staff wages and to a maximum of $20,000 for private industry consultant fees
  • Assistance will be on a 50/50 cost shared basis (government / applicant) to a maximum of $50,000 for capital items.
  • Maximum funding is $50,000 for the Growing Forward implementation period.

Eligibility: The Food Safety - Processing program is targeted at facilities operating in Alberta that are:

  • Food processing plants involved in producing food or drink for human consumption.
  • Primary packaging manufacturers whose products come into direct contact with food products.
Applicants must not be a federally registered meat, poultry or meat storage facility, processed fruit and vegetable, honey, dairy,fish/seafood facility. Retail and foodservice are not eligible for this funding.

For more information:

Tel: 310-FARM

Email: GrowingForward@gov.ab.ca
Website : www.growingforward.alberta.ca/ProgramAreas/EnhancedFoodSafety/FoodSafety/FoodSafety-ProcessingProcessor/index.htm


Business Opportunity Grant

Funded/Offered by : Government of Alberta - Agriculture and Rural Development

Summary: The Business Opportunity Grant program is designed to provide assistance to Alberta primary agriculture producers, and small agri-business organizations in accessing one-to-one expertise that will contribute to helping their business adapt to the changing business environment. It is aimed at individuals and small business organizations that are looking to transform their operation to meet market and consumer demands. Contracting services such as, independent risk management consultants, advisory and business opportunity analysis services that will contribute to making informed and calculated business decisions will be supported.

Funding: Assistance will be provided on a cost shared basis up to 75/25 with the applicant, when individual producers or business are the sole beneficiary to a maximum of $15,000 per applicant per year, or up to 90/10 government and the applicant when the project will benefit an organization, group or industry sector.

Eligibility: The Business Opportunity Grant program is targeted at Alberta 's primary agriculture producers, small agri-business and new entrants to the industry. Some of the projects/areas that funding may be used for include:

  • Farm business financial assessments.
  • Enterprise analysis and opportunity assessment.
  • Benchmarking, feasibility studies, and opportunity/profitability assessments.
  • New business - market research.
  • Business management consultants/coaches.
  • Business and marketing plans.
  • Succession plans.
  • Business structures and the legal and financial expenses associated with the business model formation
For more information:

Tel: 310-FARM

Email: GrowingForward@gov.ab.ca
Website: www.growingforward.alberta.ca/ProgramAreas/Management/BusinessManagementSkillsandTools/BusinessOpportunityGrant/index.htm

Agri-Business and Product Development

Funded/Offered by: Government of Alberta - Agriculture and Rural Development

Summary: The purpose of the Agri-Business and Product Development Program is to stimulate new investment in value added food and agri-product processing sectors. This program targets agri-food processing companies and producers with innovative, market driven opportunities to commercialize a product, create healthy or healthier products or expand their business.

Summary: The purpose of the Agri-Business and Product Development Program is to stimulate new investment in value added food and agri-product processing sectors. This program targets agri-food processing companies and producers with innovative, market driven opportunities to commercialize a product, create healthy or healthier products or expand their business.

Funding: Contact program for more information.

Eligibility: The Agri-Business and Product Development program is targeted at:

  • Existing or prospective Alberta agri-food processors (companies, partnerships) who are producing and marketing crop-related value-added products.
  • Alberta producers, producer groups or value chains that use crop or livestock inputs in products that are produced in Alberta.

Some of the projects/areas that funding may be used for include:

  • Feasability studies - for assessment of options and determining costs for eligible capital projects.
  • Market research.
  • Marketing plans.
  • Business plans.
  • Value chain development.
  • Business and competitiveness assessments.
  • Financial assessments.
  • Product development.
  • Packaging development.
  • Promotional materials.
  • Legal and financial expenses associated with the business model formation.
  • Consultants/Business Coaches.
For more information:

Tel: 310-FARM

Email: GrowingForward@gov.ab.ca
Website: www.growingforward.alberta.ca/ProgramAreas/BusinessCompetitiveness/ProductandMarketDevelopment/Agri-BusinessandProductDevelopmentGrant/index.htm