Spotlight on Dairy Ingredients Seminar

St-Hyacinthe, QC
October 31, 2001

On October 31, 2001, la Fondation des gouverneurs, in collaboration with the Canadian Dairy Commission and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Food Research and Development Centre presented Spotlight on Dairy Ingredients, a one day seminar highlighting issues surrounding the use of dairy ingredients in today's further processing industry.

Guest hosted by Jacques Rolland, Treasurer for the Administration Council of la Fondation des gouverneurs and Vice-President, Research and Development, Agropur, Cooperative, the seminar was host to numerous national and international experts. Topics included The Potential of Milk and its Derivatives as a Source of Functional Ingredients (presented by Michel Britten, Ph.D., Head, Dairy Industry Section, (FRDC)), Production and Use of Casein and Caseinate (presented by Phillipp Mangold, Area Sales Manager, Lactoprot - Germany ), and Use of Milk Ingredients in Confectionery Products (presented by Dominique Filbien, Export Sales Manager, Société Ingredia - France). For a full list of speakers and topics, please see Ingredients Mag, September 2001.

Valuable information on traditional and cutting edge dairy/dairy based ingredients was shared with the packed audience. Dominique Filbien from SociétéIngredia - France pointed out the important benefits of using a traditional roller drying method in the manufacture of whole milk powder used to make chocolate. Phillip Mangold explained the need to fully understand the end use application for the ingredient and to help customers avoid purchasing ingredients that are less effective/less versatile than others, e.g: milk protein concentrate versus skim milk powder.

The Canadian Dairy Commission's Mark Lalonde, Coordinator for the Dairy Ingredients Marketing Plan, gave a presentation on the needs of Canadian dairy ingredients users. Using the results from recent Market Analysis questionnaires conducted by the CDC in March/April 2001, Mr. Lalonde presented some interesting findings on the use of dairy ingredients in Canadian further processing, sourcing issues affecting ingredient users, the use of substitutes, new product development, functional problems, requirements in R&D and business support services.