About Us

The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) is committed to promoting growth and innovation in the manufacture and use of dairy products and components. Our Dairy Marketing Program provides support to both dairy product manufacturers and food processors. It facilitates access to the technical support and expertise required to develop new and innovative dairy and finished food products to bring them to market. Our valued partnerships with food science centres, universities, and industry associations help to reinforce our commitment to the 3 I's:


Knowledge is power. MILKingredients.ca is a comprehensive on-line information centre dedicated to dairy product manufacturers, distributors, and food processors. This web site is devoted to strengthening business relationships by offering valuable technical information and resource material to dairy and food product manufacturers.


At the CDC, we believe in building community through direct and personal contact. Our Marketing Agents regularly visit with companies and participate in several food industry trade show across Canada to provide expert advice and guidance on programs and services that encourage innovation and help companies to compete in the marketplace.

We remain committed to our successful industry seminars series thanks to the ongoing support of our dairy industry partners and Canadian food processing and development centres.


The Matching Investment Fund (MIF) is designed to help eligible companies and Food Technology Centres (FTC) with product development initiatives that help stimulate demand for Canadian dairy products and ingredients. The Dairy Innovation Program (DIP) was created to foster growth and innovation in the manufacture of dairy products. The Milk Access for Growth (MAG) program guarantees a sufficient supply of milk (whole or skim) to manufacture products that will grow total market demand.

For more information on these programs and services, please contact us at cdc-ccl@cdc-ccl.gc.ca