Canadian Dairy Commission 2019-2020


The Canadian Dairy Commission offers a framework for managing Canada’s dairy industry, a shared federal and provincial responsibility. It serves as a facilitator and intervener in forums that influence Canada’s dairy policy. The Commission administers the dairy production control mechanism to avoid production shortages or surpluses. It also has the mandate to provide a fair return to efficient producers of milk.



Latest news

Publication of the 2019-2020 Corporate Summary Plan 2020-03-23

Publication of the 2018-2019 Annual Report 2020-02-07

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Services and information

Supply management and the dairy industry

In the dairy sector, the balance between supply and demand presupposes a balance between the production of all dairy farms and domestic consumption of dairy products. National farm production is controlled by means of quotas.

Milk pooling agreements

The pooling of revenues from milk sales enables producers to receive an average price per hectolitre or per kilogram of components, based on total sales.

Harmonized milk classification system

In Canada, milk is sold to processors according to a harmonized milk classification system. The price of milk sold to processors varies according to its end use.

National milk production target for Canada

The Total Quota is the national milk production target for Canada. On behalf of the industry, the Canadian Dairy Commission calculates the Total Quota on a monthly basis, according to a method set by the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee.Show more services and information

What we do

The Commission provides a framework for managing Canada’s dairy industry, a shared federal and provincial responsibility. It serves as a facilitator and intervener in forums that influence Canada’s dairy policy, and coordinates federal and provincial dairy policies.

Contact us

Canadian Dairy Commission 960 Carling Avenue Central Experimental Farm, Building 55 Ottawa ON K1A 0Z2 Telephone : 613-792-2000 Toll-free: 1-866-366-0676 Email:

What we do


All programs

Planning and reporting

All planning and reporting

Proactive disclosure

All proactive disclosure

Acts and regulations

All related acts and regulations

Information about the organization

Chief executive officer

Serge Riendeau Chief executive officer


Bob Ingratta Chairperson


Jennifer Hayes Commissioner

About the Canadian Dairy Commission


Member login

Please follow the link to access the members' site.Online orientation modules

The Canadian Dairy Commission offers this online Orientation Session to anyone with an interest in the workings of the Canadian milk supply management is a comprehensive online information centre dedicated to dairy product manufacturers, distributors, and food processors.