
Special Milk Class Permit Program Reports
for the 2004-2005 Dairy Year

1. Top Performing Dairy Ingredients (1- 5) (PDF only* 13.7 Kb)

Liquid Whole Milk

Mozzarella Cheeses
Skim Milk Powder
Sweet Condensed Whole Milk

2. Top Performing Dairy Ingredients (6-10) (PDF only* 13.6 Kb)


Other Cheeses
Cream Cheese
Cheddar Cheeses
Liquid Skim Milk

3. Trends in Dairy Ingredient Purchases (PDF only* 56 Kb)

4. Dairy Ingredient Utilization by Special Class Category (PDF only* 40.5 Kb)

5. Dairy Ingredient Utilization by Province/Region (PDF only* 56.6 Kb)

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