Recognized learning institutions and organizations, in partnership with dairy industry associations, are eligible to receive funding for the development of programs and courses that address the need for increased knowledge and expertise in the following areas:
- skill-set requirements to adapt and excel in responding to current and emerging dairy farming and processing technologies
- dairy farm and dairy plant management procedures and best practices
- efficient and effective management of human resources
- increased ability and expertise in dairy product manufacturing (cheese making, yogurt production, etc.) or milk production
Applications must be submitted by August 1, 2019 . They must meet all of the evaluation criteria. Projects will be evaluated and approved by a selection committee. Applicants must use the Continuing Education Program Application Form to submit their project.
Successful applicants will be entitled to 25% of the approved funding at the beginning of the project to cover various start-up costs. All eligible expenses will need to be supported by relevant documentation.
The recognized learning institution or organization, along with the dairy industry association partner, must submit a joint application and will be required to enter into a tripartite agreement with the CDC.
For more information and for application procedures, consult the Continuing Education Program Guide.
Please direct your enquiries on this program to:
Virginie Robert
Canadian Dairy Commission
Tel.: (613) 722-8344
Toll-free: 1-866-366-0676
Fax: 613-792-2009